Chemical Reactivity Training
Training needs come in many forms. Hazard awareness on reactive chemicals. Detailed knowledge to manage reactive chemicals. Off-the shelf training programs that can be quickly tailored to your specific operations. Train your team to protect your innovation.
Reactive Chemical Hazard Awareness
Audience Employees and Contractors
Length 2 hours
Value Incorporation of specific reactive chemical characteristics
Benefit Learn risks associated with your own operation
Take-Away Recognize reactive chemical hazards and take action to avoid
catastrophic events
Reactive Chemical Hazard Identification
Audience Engineers and EHS Professionals operating
Length 4 hours
Value Incorporation of site specific reactive chemicals and operations
Benefit Learn to manage reactive chemical hazards
Take-Away Identify potential reactive chemicals and operations, situations
to avoid, and potential protective measures
Reactive Chemical Hazard Management
Audience Engineers and EHS Professionals designing and analyzing
Length 3 days
Value Incorporation of site specific reactive chemicals and operations
Benefit Learn to reduce the risk of reactive chemical operations
Take-Away Identify hazardous materials and operations, evaluate and
quantify the hazard, evaluate protective measures
All classes earn continuing education credits